Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2

1. A : (Mary,have) Does Mary have a bycycle?
    B : Yes,she does. She (have) has a ten-speed bike
2. A : (It,rain) Is it going rain right now?
    B : No, it is not. At least,I (think,not) idont think so.
3. A : (You,like) Do you like sour oranges?
    B : No, i dont. I likes sweet ones
4. A : (Your friend,write) Are your friend write a lot of letters?
    B : Yes they are. They got a lot of letters all the time.
5. A : (The students,take Are the students taking a test in class right now?
    B : No they arent. They doing an exercise.
6. A : (You,know) Do you know Tom Adams?
    B : No, I dont. I've never meet him.

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