Rabu, 17 April 2013

Tulisan bahasa inggris bisnis 2

kalimat dengan menggunakan kata "across" dan "through"

1. A dam is built across the river because it can keep the water back.
2. We need to across the river to go to the next city.
3. The plane flew across the sea to go to Australia.
4. Dont across this road,because it is under construction.
5. Look! there are children wants to across the road, help them to across the road.

1. I went through the window.
2. I drove through the town at top speed without looking left or right.
3. We slogged through the mud for hours before turning back and giving up.
4. This team believes in winning through intimidation.
5. The numbers 1 through 55

Tugas Bahasa Inggris bisnis 2

LATIHAN 5 hal 24

1. Mary walked to school today. Rebecca drove her car. Alison rode her bicycle. Sandy took the bus.
2. When Alan slipped on icy sidewalk yesterday,he fell down and hurt his back. His back is very paintfull.
3. I didnt have any money yesterday,so my roomate lent me enough so I could pay for my launch.
4. The children had good time at the park yesterday. They fed the duck small pieces of bread.
5. Alice called the police yesterday because someone stole her bicyclr wjile she was in the library studying.    She is very angry.